Welcome to Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI)

Empowering Minds, Enriching Futures

Established in 2009, Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI) stands as the dedicated engine of SIU's pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

With a steadfast commitment to fostering a culture of research, SCRI empowers both students and faculty to embark on a journey of intellectual exploration and discovery.

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News & Events

  • Talk by Dr. Nanasaheb Thorat ; Department of Physics & Bernal Institute, Limerick Digital Cancer Research Centre University of Limerick, Ireland, (June 25, 2024)

    Delivered an interactive talk for doctoral students on " Becoming an Independent Researcher during Doctoral Research Journey ". Discussed the pathways to become independent researcher by attracting funding for doing research. Shared experiences of engaging in interdisciplinary research.

  • Ph D Induction (February 27-28, 2024)

    The Induction for the Ph.D. Students was organized for a gathering of more than 170 students. Dr. R. Raman, Honorable Vice Chancellor, SIU graced the inaugural ceremony. Eminent Researcher Dr. Dinesh Amalnerkar, Professor Emeritus, SPPU, Pune, Former Brain-Pool Invited Scientist, South Korea and Former Director General, C-MET, India. Dr. Dinesh Katre, Former Senior Director- C-DAC, Pune, Dr. Vasant Bang, Director- DELTA M, R & D Lab, Pune, addressed the gathering. Deans and Heads at SCRI took sessions on various aspects of research over two days.

  • Prof. (Dr) Abhay Karandikar: Secretary; DST Visited SCRI, (March 8, 2024)

    Prof. (Dr) Abhay Karandikar; Secretary; DST; GoI ; along with top leadership of Symbiosis International Deemed University; Pune visited SCRI and discussed probable research projects.

  • Talk by Dr. Rakesh Pati; Deakin University; Australia, (March 7, 2024) Discussed strategy, Australia-India collaborations, future partnerships, and engaging for dual doctoral degree programme. Interactive workshop with doctoral students of Symbiosis in hybrid mode on the topic" Identifying a Good Research Question"

    Discussed strategy, Australia-India collaborations, future partnerships, and engaging for dual doctoral degree programme. Interactive workshop with doctoral students of Symbiosis in hybrid mode on the topic" Identifying a Good Research Question"



Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI),

Research & Developement cell,

Symbiosis International (Deemed University),

6th Floor of Symbiosis Institute of Technology,

Hill-base, Gram. Lavale, District Pune - 412115, India

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